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Healthy food

the best POTATO SALAD for summer cook-out [super easy]

What's a cook-out without a good potato salad?

Well, this simple potato salad is a dream side dish for all meat-eaters transitioning into plant-based eaters. You don't have to worry about what you are eating during the cookout. Better yet, this potato salad is so good that even your non-plant-based friends and family will love it.

This potato salad is a staple in the Caribbean kitchen where we add one simple ingredient called "Picallily". Picalilly is a sweet & sour yellow pickled sauce that gives the potato salad a new layer of flavor. If you don't have this one ingredient you can leave it out or replace it with dijon mustard.

Serve this simple dish and make the "do you only eat grass" believers blow away.

Vegan Potato Salad

Vegan Potato Salad



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