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Free Plant-Based Resources To Guide You On Your Journey 

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Free PLant-Forward 


I'm sure you will agree with me when I say coming up with new recipes for a plant-based food that's tasty & nutritious 


Or is it?

Well, it turns out that plant-based eating isn't as complicated as you thought. 


I hand-picked 3 recipes for you to start that's NOT salad or soups. And if you decide to download this Ebook I will add you to my Friendlist where you will continue to get more FREE recipes that are tasty & better for you.

The vegan plate

Can you imagine being able to create your own plant-based meals without having to worry about vegan nutrition?


Well, the vegan plate is a method that helps you simplify the type and quantity of the various food groups that you need. A simple adaption of it can provide you with adequate vegan nutrition.

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©2020 by Prolong Living. All Right Reserved 

Disclaimer: No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or another qualified clinician. Prolong Living don't  “prescribe” or “treat” or “diagnose” any disease. Talk to your physician. 

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