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Healthy food

7 Easy Ways To Start Eating plant-based food without restriction

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

One should eat to live, not live to eat"

How many times have you tried to start eating healthy food but found yourself in the old ways in just a matter of days?

If you are a beginner or curious about transitioning into a more wholesome-plant based diet than this is for you.

In this blog, I’m sharing 7 tips on how you can transition into a healthier eating habit.

No Restrictions. Just Balance.

7 ways to eat healthy

I’m in this healthy group where I share recipes and knowledgable articles to beginners in a plant-based lifestyle.

This woman aged 47 shared her story about suddenly having to change her diet and adopt a plant-based eating habit because her pancreas isn't functioning well.

She had to stop abruptly and had no time to transition into a new eating habit.

She had no choice.

I can imagine how difficult that was for her. She was an extreme meat lover and been so for 47 years.

She continued by saying how she struggled when she watched her husband eat steak.

I understand her.

She didn't have the chance to even make a choice to start eating healthy food.

But luckily you can.

And if you are here I assume that you already made a choice or at least battling with these thoughts in your head.

You don't have to wait until get sick to change your diet.

In this blog, I want to share 7 simple ways you can change your diet to a healthier one.

If you want to know more, all you have to do is read on.

How to start eating healthy food right now?

1. Like Simon Sinek Said: Start With A “Why” | Your Motivation

Many start with this healthy lifestyle with the simple idea of wanting to look good.

Maybe you want to lose weight, be “thick” and have these abs.

I know, I was one of those too. I just wanted to look good from the outside.

As was further into my journey I learned about the influence of food and how mind, body, and soul work in conjunction with each other.

By then my motivation was to not only good from the outside but most importantly, feeling good from the inside on the emotional and mental levels.

So you have to ask yourself why you want to do this.

For some of you, the “why” is simple; maybe you just got out of a bad relationship and you just want to look good by working out and eating well. Maybe, you start understanding the importance of eating healthy.

I don’t believe that there is a right or wrong motivation, it is just your anchor, it is what keeps you going.

You will notice that alongside your journey, your motivation will evolve too.

So, whenever you feel like giving up, your “why” is the reminder of why you started.

2. Start small. Replace unhealthy products with healthy ones.

You don't have to go totally out of your comfort zone when starting your plant-based journey.

Try to modify or replace what you’re already eating with a healthier option.

For example, if you love eating lasagne just remove the meat and put a veggie filling instead or maybe if you love pizza, order, or make one without meat or fish next time.

If you are a sugar addict, replace it with maple syrup.

Don’t believe that you should be able to make these expensive bowls you see on Instagram.

As time goes by you will learn more about recipes and new ingredients that you previously didn't even know existed.

So, start by taking a look at what you already eat and find healthier options to replace it with.

Remember not to rush into things. This is YOUR JOURNEY.

3. Celebrate small wins.

If you manage to achieve a small goal, remember to celebrate it. This helps make the journey more enjoyable. Did you go one week without eating meat? Celebrate it.

Tweet This to Your Friends and Family That Are Too Hard on Themselves.

4. Give yourself a specific “try-out” time.

When I became a plant-based eater it was a one-time decision, I never tried it out, I just made the decision.

But I understand that not everybody is the same.

There are several factors that can affect the ability to make this decision.

It could be your environment, maybe you are surrounded by people who truly don’t understand the lifestyle.

If you find it difficult to make this decision then give yourself a “try-out” time.

Start with 7 days "meat-free" try-out. If you made it, celebrate your small win.

And challenge yourself again.

5. Budget Prep.

As a foodie, you don't mind spending your entire salary on food.

But that isn’t responsible.

We all know that organic food can be expensive, that’s why it’s very important to make a budget and stick to it.

In my following blog, I will share tips and tricks on how to buy organic on a budget.

6. Don’t be hard on yourself.

I don't want to believe that as soon as you start your plant-based lifestyle that you should be conscious about everything else such as minimalism and zero waste, or animal cruelty.

The critical part of this journey is to become conscious of every decision you make regarding your food choices.

You don’t have to be too hard on yourself.

If you slip up, remind yourself why you started and give it another try.

You should enjoy this journey as well.

Being a plant-based eater is not a punishment. It is a rewarding lifestyle.

Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it.

7. Think About Your Gains.

Don't start thinking about all the food you can’t eat but think about the new food you're about to discover.

When I became a plant-based eater and I started experimenting with food, I discovered a lot of ingredients that I never knew of before.

These were lentils, chickpeas, sea vegetables, and many more.

There is a lot of food out there that you don’t know exists.

So think about all this food that you are able to eat now without your having to worry about getting sick.

Key Takeaways:

Don't wait until you are sick for you to decide to eat healthily. While on this journey you shouldn’t believe that you have to be conscious of everything. Just start with the deep-rooted “Why” and continue by simply replacing what you are currently eating with a healthier option. And if you slip up once, don't be hard on yourself. Try to make it right next time. Healthy plant-based eating is not a punishment it's a rewarding lifestyle. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it.


Writer: Rossy Fierce



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