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Healthy food

here is how being a black vegan can change your future.

Every bite you take is either feeding disease or fighting it.

According to Heart Org. the regularity of hypertension in Blacks (Americans) is the highest ON EARTH!.

77 percent of black women are overweight or obese.

Black people are more likely to have diabetes and will be diagnosed TOO LATE.

Now if you DON'T want to be another statistic, I suggest you keep reading.

Imagine you, being able to prevent lifelong diseases by making a little change to your diet.

Let me explain

Our poor eating habits have caused us to lose many of our relatives to either diabetes, hypertension, cancer, or heart diseases. A major part has been due to their inability to have this type of knowledge I am about to share with you.

Here we go!

A lot of black families come from poor homes and didn’t have any choice of what to eat. Instead, they were just happy that there was food (whatever that was). It also happens that the available food was unhealthy, which is mainly processed food. Most of the eating habits stem from slavery where they tried their best out of leftovers.

But we are “free” now (somewhat). This simply means you don’t have to make the same choices the previous generation did. Believe it or not, you have a choice now.

In this blog, I will the following:

  • Why black people should go plant-based

  • The benefits of going plant-based.

  • The spiritual connection with food.

  • How to go plant-based.

Can low-income people go plant-based?

Most of the food you CAN eat on a plant-based diet is affordable; legumes, rice, pasta, vegetables including frozen vegetables, and fruits. In fact, the most expensive item on your current plate will be meat.

Think about it this way. It’s either you pay it now or you pay it in your medical bills. This important especially if you are from countries where most low-income people don’t have access to proper health care.

You may have to pay it at a premature funeral. In truth, none of us are prepared for this. I didn’t even include the emotional burden that will be left by knowing that all this could have been prevented by simply changing one thing.

I’m a black, plant-based eater, cook, and food writer. I decided to turn to plant-based diets after years of researching our food production system, the mistreatment of animals, and all the chemicals and toxins in our food.

I’m not here to tell you what to do but to bring to your knowledge of how to eat healthily. I experienced the typical “angry vegan” stereotype, which only created resistance. I’m not that.

But still, I must share this information with you and what you do with it is your decision to make.

Why black people should go plant-based?

A plant-based diet is a nourishing lifestyle that focuses on food that’s derived from plants. These include fruits & vegetables but also legumes, seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains, and beans. Being a plant-based eater doesn’t necessarily make you a vegetarian or vegan. However, it is a simple way to reduced meat, fish & dairy consumption and focusing on eating whole food instead of processed food.

Plant foods average 64 times more antioxidants than animal foods. By getting most of your nutrition from whole plant foods, you get more rewards instead of the baggage unhealthy food brings.

Research has shown that eating plant-based can prevent diabetes, lower the risk of heart disease, help you lose weight, and lower blood pressure. These are top diseases that have been taking us out on a grand scale with heart disease being the leading cause of death in recent times. This is because the meat is filled with cholesterol and saturated fat, which is a major part of our diet.

While we all enjoy eating food, it’s not just for pleasure but also a spiritual experience. It has the power to affect our entire selves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. How you think, how you feel, your energy, and even your level of consciousness are in tune with what you eat.

When it affects our level of consciousness, we become disconnected from our selves. That’s when we can say we are dis-ease. So what can reverse any dis-ease it return to your roots, to your higher self. And eating food that more in alignment with who you are.

Most of us depend on the doctors to understand how our body functions, but most doctors admit to not having enough knowledge about nutrition. Additionally, the billion-dollar pharmacy industry is built around our ignorance. But the question is, what do you get for it?

If you think about it deeply, is that 5 minutes of “pleasure” worth it?

Every time you ingest food, you are either feeding your dis-ease or fighting it. The question is, Which one are you practicing?

Plant-based is part of our DNA. Yes, you might argue that our ancestors ate meat and lived long. But they made sure the meat was clean and were eaten in small proportions for very few times.

I want you to understand that what you’re eating not only harm your physical body but also your mental and emotional health. When you get sick, when you have dis-ease, it is just a symptom that something is going on a deeper level. A traditional doctor can only treat the symptoms, but in reality, you are still sick.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go to the doctor. In fact, you should! However, my point here is that it can be prevented if you come to a new understanding.

How to go plant-based

Now you may ask, how do I even start?

I’ve got good news for you. You have already started by picking up this blog. The fact that you are here shows that you have a level of interest and that is all that’s needed to start.

Because all journey starts with awareness. Below, I shared some points towards plant-based eating.

1. Seek Knowledge

Start by watching these documentaries:

What The Health

In “What The Health,” the hidden dangers in the traditional American meat-eater’s diet get revealed. It also shines a light on the dark operations in the food industry.


Earthlings focus on the way animals are manipulated by humans for use as food, clothing, entertainment, scientific research, and pets.


Cowspiracy focused on the environmental impact of agricultural farming.

The Game Changers

The Game Changers about elite athletes who claim they feel stronger and faster after cutting out meat from their diet.

Supersize Me

Supersize Me makes you think twice about the next food you will put in your mouth. As an experiment, the documentary ate only McDonalds for 30 days. The results of his health are incredible.

2. Get familiar with new ingredients

Lentils, beans, tofu, tempeh, seeds (chia, flax), sea vegetables, and many more. These are all ingredients that I have discovered on my journey. Above all, you will be amazed at how much you have to try.

Get familiar with unfamiliar foods that you may not try before. Be open-minded enough to at least try. I would love to help you navigate this journey of figuring new products out. For that, I have created a series called "Mae It Easy" where I help beginners plant-based eaters incorporate tasty & nutritious new ingredients into your lifestyle.

How about we with tofu. Many people are familiar with it but only a few know about its versatility and how to make it tasty. In this E-book "Five Ways To Make Tofu Tasty", I share 5 different recipes, using 5 different cooking methods to illustrate to you how many ways you can prepare tofu. I also include different marinades that you can continually use to get tofu from boring to exciting.

If you download this FREE E-book I may sure to add you to my "Make It Easy" list so you will continue to receive more exciting ingredients and how to prepare them.

keep in mind that this is just a snippet. Since you are on the list I will also notify you when the more advanced version is ready. Alright?

3. Try out new recipes

Besides continuously eating plant-based versions of what you already eating, be open to learning about new kinds of recipes.

4. Meal Planning

Plan your meals ahead of time. When you plan, you know exactly what you are going to eat. You can easily budget and write a specific grocery list you must stick to. This will save you time and money.

Finally, in this article, I described 7 ways you can go plant-based without feeling restricted from the “fun” of eating your preferred food.

Take Away


  • Many dis-eases are preventable by changing our eating habit

  • Food is not just for pleasure, but also a spiritual experience.

  • Know what’s in your food and how it’s prepared. Start by watching documentaries.

  • Eat more of these foods; fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, sea vegetables, and seeds.

  • Replace the food you already eating with healthy alternatives, and take it one step at a time.


  • Avoid processed meat.

  • Beat Yourself Up If Your Slip Up.

Don't be statistics.

But Rossy, What about protein?

Proteins are very important for growth, maintaining, and repairing our tissues, hormones, and immune system.

We all have conditions to believe that meat is the only source of protein, but that is far from the truth. As a plant-based eater, you can get all the nutrients necessary including protein. In this article, I wrote about protein and all you need to know about it, including the best sources to get the best plant-based protein. Additionally, I shared the formula to calculate the exact protein you need on a daily basis.

Also, I will highlight all the nutrients you might miss on a plant-based diet and how you can complement them. Mind you, there is one nutrient that most people don’t talk about.

Get Started Today

After doing your own research, make sure that are surrounded by people that are supportive of your newfound self.

You can also download "Five Tasty Ways To Cook Tofu" here

By subscribing It will give access to more "make It Easy" content series, tasty plant-based recipes, motivation newsletters, special offers, and Inbox ONLY tips & tricks to support you on your journey.

Or You also follow me on my Instagram. In exchange for that, I will send you the "Five Ways To Cook Tofu" instantly. Click here to get it.

You Can Do This

Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and other diet-related disease are not part of who you are. If we go back to a diet that is closer to our nature, we can prevent dis-eases. Eating plant-based diets allow you to reduce meat & dairy intake. It also helps you increase vegetables and fruits without restricting the fun. You can do this.


Written by: Rossy Fierce



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