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Healthy Morning Routine: 10 Effortless Ideas You Can Complete Before Work

Updated: Oct 30, 2019

“I love the smell of possibility in the morning.”

So, you woke up this morning.

you say thank you.

What now?

You Exercise? Great.

You read a book? Amazing.

You Take a shower you might think? That's a Great Idea.

But, If you are new to the healthy plant-based lifestyle you might be wondering if you can get more out of your morning in terms of your mind and body.

So, I want to share 10 easy healthy morning routine you can implement right now.

All you have to do is read on...

Healthy Morning Routine: First t Thing In The Morning?

Best Daily Routine

1.Drink liquid

Immediately after waking up, it’s important to alkalize and flush your system.

The best way to do that is by drinking water with ½-1 key lime squeezed in it.

Even better, you can drink natural coconut water.

2. Practise mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness has been proven to be excellent for your mental health.

Here is a practical way you can incorporate this into your lifestyle, starting today.

Stand tall, or sit on a chair or on the floor in a cross-legged position.

Place your hands in front of you, put your palms together as if you are praying.

Now breathe in deeply.

As you are breathing in, extend the hands and arms up while spreading them apart.

Then breathe out and bring them back together.

You can repeat this several times (5+), starting at a slow pace and then increasing to a faster pace.

This practice will increase the oxygen and Life Force Energy intake, provide a gentle heart workout, cleanse the lymphatic or sewage system of the body for arm and chest areas, and relax the mind.

You can repeat this later in the day as well, whenever possible.

3. Affirmation

Ultimately, good habits start with thoughts - the thought that you can actually do whatever you put your mind to.

By constantly reminding yourself of this help, you improve your lifestyle.

You can create your own affirmation which you can repeat, for example:

“I can be healthy. There isn’t anything I cannot do or change”.

4. Practice 5 minutes of silence a day

In the morning or even during the day when you can be alone and quiet for 5 minutes, lay on your back.

You may also try putting one or two pillows under your knees.

This will flatten out the lower back and decrease tension there, allowing you to relax more completely.

Bring your attention to the movement of your abdomen (belly) as you breathe in and out.

Breathing in, notice the abdomen rises up, and breathing out, notice the abdomen moves in towards the spine (backbone).

You can just simply focus on the rising and falling of the abdomen with each breath or you can mentally repeat an affirmation, for example: While breathing in, mentally repeat, “I can be healthy,” and while breathing out, mentally repeat, “Iam one with the Spirit.”

It has been found that breathing quietly like this, for 5 minutes twice daily can even lower high blood pressure.

5. Cucumbers

After you start cleansing with key lime water drink and you've performed the exercise, eat organic cucumbers.

In essence “organic” is based on biology or using living organisms rather than chemicals such as pesticides and growth hormones.

Simply, organic is unprocessed fruits, vegetable seeds, and grains that are farmed without the use of chemicals.

If you don’t have access to organic cucumbers, use regular cucumbers after rinsing them with fresh lemon juice or baking soda.

Cucumbers are technically fruits, not vegetables, belonging to the melon family.

Have a cucumber in the mornings for breakfast or as a pre-breakfast snack.

They are watery, which is good for continuing to flush the system out in the early morning, as well as low in sugar as compared to the other melons.

Thus, they are one of the most balancing (alkalizing) foods for the body.

6. Almonds

Get raw, organic almonds.

It is important for them to be “RAW” meaning that they’re not processed in any way.

Soak one tablespoon (per person) of almonds in purified water overnight (12 hours).

Drain the water the following morning, and snack on these during the day.

Almonds are very high in protein, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E.

Studies have shown that they seem to have anti-cancer properties as well.

Soaking nuts makes them more easily digestible, as well as increasing their protein and nutrient content.

7. Stevia

Avoid sugar at all costs but if you are using fructose, honey or maple syrup, try to replace it with stevia.

This is a natural plant derivative. It does have a unique taste that you might not like at first.

But your body will get used to it (just like it got used to sugar) if you are patient and persistent enough to allow yourself to become accustomed to it.

By doing this, you are avoiding things that are known carcinogens.

Carcinogens are substances that can cause cancer.

Sugar is one of them.

Remember your affirmation: “I can be healthy.

There isn’t anything I cannot do or change”.

8. Supplements

Although I recommend getting all your nutrients from food, being on a whole food plant-based diet, you may miss nutrients such as vitamin B12 which is found in meat.

In that case, you can get some nutrients from supplements.

You can get vegan/vegetarian vitamin-mineral supplements for B12 or calcium-magnesium.

What you can also do is to get flaxseed oil and take two tablespoons daily as a supplement.

Remember, supplements are not substitutes for bad eating habits.

This means you can’t be unhealthy and believing that everything is going to be alright by just taking some supplements.

Supplements are add-ons to your already healthy plant-based diet, not a remedy for your unhealthy habits.

9. Green Juice

Green juice is great for cleansing your body.

Let’s be honest, it may not taste so good at first, but take your time until your body and taste buds (mind) become used to it.

Also, if you are trying this for the first time, be sure that wheatgrass juice is NOT added to the drink.

It is a very potent blood purifier, and most people find it too strong in the beginning.

If you are not used to it, you may feel faint and nauseous after drinking it due to a rapid detoxification reaction.

When making your green juice, it’s best to use organic vegetables.

However, if you cannot get organic vegetables, juicing is a better option to maximize your nutritional intake.

Try to drink at least one cup daily, but again, half a cup is better than nothing.

10. Green Powder

If you can’t find vegetables, or maybe don't have enough time to make green juice, you can use green powders.

Green Powders are packed with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and nutrients that are vital for the body.

Think of it as filling up your body’s fuel tank.

Try to use them instead of pasteurized juices, sodas, juice cocktails, and canned juices, as well as caffeinated teas and coffee.

Healthy Morning Routine: Key takeaways:

  • Drink Liquid to cleanse your system

  • Water with key lime

  • Fresh green juices

  • Green Powder

  • Meditate, have a moment for yourself (5 minutes) and practice silence

  • Avoid Sugar or sugary foods for breakfast

  • Add simple things like almonds and cucumber into your diet

  • B12 is found in meat, so for a plant-based diet, it’s recommended to take B12 supplements. You can also take calcium-magnesium supplements.

Remember, supplements are not substitutes for bad eating habits.

This means you can’t be unhealthy and believe that everything will be alright by just taking some supplements.

Supplements are add-ons to your already healthy plant-based diet, not a remedy for your unhealthy habits.

These are 10 easy add-ons to your healthy morning routine. Give it try and let me know how it works for you.


Written by: Rossy Fierce



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