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Healthy Lifestyle Tips: 6 Simple Tricks To Help You Stick To your healthy plans.

Updated: Jan 16, 2020

WHy Is Healthy Living so  Difficult?

How many times do you have healthy lifestyle plans but found yourself doing some old things?

Don’t you wish there is a simple way to work on your healthy lifestyle plans without having to change your entire eating habits?

Then read on….

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Every week is a new diet that promises you unattainable results only if you following it strictly. 

So, now you start very enthusiastically with your new diet with the belief that this feeling will last forever.

Oftentimes, we begin to think that with some willpower we can make it happen, but we forget that even willpower takes time to build to effect a change. 

Now, you are starting a journey that you kind of knew you won’t be able to fulfill.

At that point, you start thinking: “Maybe I should take a break and start back tomorrow,” or “Maybe on new year” or “Maybe on Monday”.

But here is the truth;

There is no one diet that fits it all. 

But there are steps you can take that can help you become the person you want to be without hard work and sacrifices. 

Consistency is key.

With consistency, you can sustain your journey to a healthier lifestyle. 

In this blog, I will be sharing 6 simple tips to achieve healthy lifestyle goals without restrictions.

6  simple healthy activities 

1. Eat slowly & mindfully 

Eating mindfully means following your own physiological hunger, and fullness cues at every meal.  It takes 20 minutes before you know that you are truly full. So, eating slowly & mindfully will help you to avoid overeating which helps you to lose weight. It also allows you to reflect on how your body feels when eating certain foods.  In the end, it will help you feel more satisfied while eating less.

2. Choose high-quality nutritious food wisely and thoughtfully at every meal

I noticed that most people eat unhealthily during breakfast and lunch BUT during dinners, they suddenly add some veggies to their meal. In most people’s minds, it may compensate for the less healthy food they eat during the day. Do you feel like you are such a person? 

Well, if you want to live a healthy and well-balanced life, it is important to include healthy food in all your meals. 

Depending on your gender and age, the American Federal Guidelines recommend that adults should eat at least 1½ to 2 cups per day of fruit and 2 to 3 cups per day of vegetables.

3. Move Every Day

By now, we know that exercise is very important to our wellbeing. But you don’t have to go for a full-blown work-out. A 15-minute walk around your block, or jogging your way around your neighborhood is a great way to start your day. The best thing about doing this is that it is free.  

4. Rest and  Recover 

We live in a world that cherishes the “hustle” mentality and constantly chasing after something,  often materialistic. Although working hard to achieve your goal is a good thing, and taking a rest to recover is as important as the diet. Because it is only then that you will have enough energy and brainpower to be productive, which will eventually lead you to achieve your goals. 

5. Fresh Air  and natural light every day

Dr. Nature is the best “doctor” you can go to. The fresh air and sunlight are magic to stress and mental fatigue. Go outside for at least 15 minutes a day. Breath the natural air and get a bit of sunshine. If you don’t have sunlight then make sure you drink vitamin D to complement the body. 

6. Balance meaningful work and joyful play.

Incorporate a hobby or something that is not related to work. It can be something that makes you feel joy. Could that be making or simply listening to music? Sometimes, it can even be cooking or painting. It could be anything, as long it is something that makes you feel relaxed or makes you disconnect from the outside world. As for me, I sometimes take Salsa classes, just for the fun of it. 

Key Takeaways:

Consistency is king and You are the queen. With a  bit of effort, it can happen together. 

The best thing about this is just the small changes you need to make.

Do’s :

Start Small: Start paying attention to the food you are eating, then eating slowly and mindfully. Include highly nutritional options in all of your meals from breakfast to dinner. It is better to go out and run around your block every day while getting fresh air and natural light than to go to the gym once in a while. The key is consistency. Find something that gives you joy; it can be something that is not related to your work, goals, or dreams. 


Make drastic changes (unless you’re obligated due to health issues). It not necessary.Miss a day. Consistency is the key. If you miss a day, catch up immediately, and don’t let it extend to 2 days or more. 

But what if I tried changing my eating style unsuccessfully? 

I totally understand what you feel and beginners in a plant-based lifestyle have also felt the same way. But what I have found is that the more you follow small and “simple to do”  steps, the easier it becomes to transit into a completely new (healthy) way of eating. It is important to remember that making small steps is better standing still. 

Get Started Today

Sometimes, it helps to have a friend that can help with some tips on your journey to a healthier eating habit. 

So, I created a Friend List and you can also sign up to get all the details. Here, you can get exclusive tips to help you become a healthier version of yourself. 

You can do this 

Remember that living a healthy lifestyle is a journey and not a destination. It is about the constant effort you put on a daily basis to become a healthier version of yourself.



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