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Healthy food

Healthy Eating: 5 amazing ways to practice self-love through food

Updated: Oct 22, 2019

Healthy Eating is crucial in your journey to becoming yourself. 

But let’s be honest.  

We all say that food is life, right? Bu why are we still eating ourselves to death?

As a human being, you don't have the power to foresee how your day is going to look that.

That means there is a possibility to go through different emotions each day.

But I can't predict either but I'm sure that you have the perfect meal attached to each emotional state.

When you happy you eat your favorite burger or pizza.

When heartbroken you pampered with chocolate or ice cream.

You eat even when you aren't hungry.

You can't get your mind off food.

In all of that, you lost the essence of what food is.

Apart from that, they say that the way you eat says a lot about how you value yourself. 

If you take a look at your diet what does t say about you?

If you are somebody that practicing self-love by meditating, go to the spa, have an extensive walk-in nature you are already doing amazing.

But what about your relationship with food? Have you ever think about that?

So if you want to learn how you can nourish your body through healthy eating, read on.

Healthy Eating: Self-Love

How Healthy Eating is a Self-Love Practice.

Be mindful

Well, in essence, what you do during self-love routines is to pause and dedicate a moment to yourself.

During that moment you’re being mindful of your feeling and thoughts.

That is the same ideology you can apply to food.

Just taking that moment and being more conscious about what you are putting in your mouth, and the consequences thereof can help you build a more positive relationship with food.

So whenever you are practicing self-love, take a moment and ask yourself if what you are eating is going to add nutrition to your body or take something away.

You will realize that when you think about it, you are less likely to eat something that will hurt you. 

Healthy plant-based food is the source of vitamins and minerals, it is the fuel for your body.

Good food gives you energy.

So whenever you are starting your self-care routine, remember to give your food the same mindful moment. 

Talk kindness

Talk kindness to your body.

Be kind to yourself.

Remind yourself that you are worthy of the best of what nature has to offer and that that is why you are honoring it by feeding it with plant-based food.

Sleep Sleep Sleep

How many times did you felt like dying but end up feeling way better after just having a good night of sleep?

We are in a culture where we value “hustle mentally”. Although “hustling” is the right thing to do if you want to achieve your goals, getting enough sleep is as important.

You won’t be able to be productive, focus and operate at your highest level if you don’t get enough rest.

The restless body can manifest in different ways: Burn-out, flu or other diseases where your body forced to rest.

You don’t have to get to the point to ensure your happy hours of sleep.

Just make sure you have your 7-8 hours of shut-eye at night.

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Drink Water

It is essential to keep yourself hydrated.

That is why you need to drink a lot of water.

I recommend drinking alkaline water.

You can make this at home by squeezing 1 key lime and 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt into a can of water.

I love this not only because it is alkaline but also because of it at flavor to the water.

Give it a try.

Eat whole food which is plant-based

A whole food plant-based diet is a diet emphasizing wholesome, unprocessed and unrefined food.

It focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, beans, seeds (ex. chia), and nuts which will have to make up the majority of your diet.

Unlike vegetarianism and veganism, a plant-based diet doesn't prevent you from eating meat or fish but it does recommend you avoid them as much as possible. 

If you find it difficult to transitions into a new wholesome diet, read this article that gives 7 ways to easily transition into a plant-based diet.

Key Take-Away:

Eating healthily is an essential part of self-love.

As you take care of your mind by meditating and your body by exercising, you also have

to eat the right food which gives energy for you to be able to go through your day.

And oh, this question is also for you. If food is life, why are you feeding yourself to death?


Written by: Rossy Fierce



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